Camp He Ho Ha


Event Cancellation and Refund Policy

No longer able to participate?

While we hope everyone who registers to attend a fundraising event at Camp Health, Hope & Happiness is able to attend, we understand this is not always possible. If you are unable to attend an event at Camp He Ho Ha but have already paid a deposit or registration fee you can contact us up to two (2) weeks before the scheduled event to process your registration cancellation request by phone or e-mail (see below). All cancellations will be processed to receive a refund less an event cancellation administrative fee of $10.00.

Event cancellation administration fee: $10.00

What Happens to pledges?

Many of our event participants gain pledges to attend events for free or qualify for prizes. Any online pledges already contributed to you for the event are non-refundable. Donors receive tax receipts as appropriate ($20 and over) at the time of donation.

Any offline pledges that are made to a participant who is no longer attending an event shall be submitted to Camp Health, Hope & Happiness and count towards general event pledges. If individual offline donors would like their pledges returned, the participant is able to return the donation(s) before sending any offline donations to Camp He Ho Ha. Donors will receive tax receipts as appropriate ($20 and over).

Event Cancelled by Camp He Ho Ha?

In the unlikely event that a fundraising event is cancelled by Camp Health, Hope & Happiness event participants will be contacted directly by email and/or phone. Camp will process any relevant refunds, transition the registration fee to a donation (at the request of the participant), or move the registration fee to a rescheduled event date.

If you have additional questions regarding an event or registration cancellation please contact our office.

Contact us to process your refund:

Administrative Assistant
Bobbi Olson
(780) 429-3277 Ext. 234