Camp He Ho Ha



Volunteers make a difference in the lives of all campers that come through our doors; whether helping out at a special event, raising pledges, coordinating a third party fundraiser, or assisting with seasonal maintenance. In a typical year, our amazing volunteers dedicate more than 13,000 hours on-site and at various fundraising events. Our volunteers are essential to our goals to raise money in support of summer recreational programming for kids and adults with disabilities. You too can join their ranks and can make an amazing difference for our campers!

Summer Camp

Owing to the provincial ‘Persons in Care Act’ those who work directly with our campers must go through a very in-depth training program. This keeps our staff and campers safe and helps us uphold our commitment to provide the top quality care to children and adults with disabilities. To follow these regulations we are unable to have volunteers provide services directly to our campers, but there are other terrific ways to get involved!

Summer camp counselling staff donate a considerable amount of hours during their employment. These hours are termed in the employment contract and offset staff food and lodging costs. The tremendous amount of volunteer hours ensures that all of our campers have a safe and rewarding summer camp experience.

Professional Services and Seasonal Maintenance

Camp has been fortunate to develop positive relationships with many small businesses, service providers, groups, and individuals. These generous people and organizations have helped by volunteering their time and talents to perform seasonal maintenance (raking leaves, removing excess brush, etc.) and help provide complementary labour and consultation (plumbing, heating, electrical, information technology, etc.). If you are interested in getting involved we encourage you to contact our office to find out if we have any upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Fundraising Volunteers

Our volunteers are essential to our goals to raise money in support of summer recreational programming for Albertans with special needs. Whether it is a donation of time, talent, or resources, our volunteers help offset costs and allow us to direct more donations back to programs supporting special children and adults. If you are interested in getting involved we encourage you to check out our upcoming events, make a gift onlinesign up for our quarterly newsletter or contact our office to find out if we have any upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Thank you

On behalf of the hundreds of campers and their families we see each year, we say, THANK YOU! You are welcome to come back and volunteer with us again.

Contact us today to learn more and start the conversation.

Director of Operations – Jason Chartrand
(780) 429-3277 Ext. 222