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Caregiver Support Group
The life of a parent or caregivers of a person with disabilities is full of paradox. Through the challenges and the joys, the self doubt and the confidence, the perfect days and the days that seem to never end, we sometimes navigate feeling like we are alone.
Camp He Ho Ha has been offering summer camp programs for years because there was a recognized need for people with disabilities to have the same opportunities as those without disabilities. The golden nugget hidden under the original intention is that our overnight programs also give respite to the families and the caregivers that dedicate their hearts and their time to their loved ones.
We have hosted a few online caregiver/parent support group meetings. Are you interested in joining an online meeting with people like yourselves to share how you are feeling, your struggles and your successes? We believe that together we can build community and feel less alone. Each meeting has been loosely structured with a few boundaries and rules (including such things as a confidentiality agreement, no selling or soliciting, and no discrimination or negativity toward others).
We would love the opportunity to share in your tears and laughter. and the opportunity to offer you kindness and love as you navigate your world.
Please sign up to receive e-mails about Family/Caregiver Support Groups as they are released.
**Please note these meetings have been temporarily suspended. If/when they resume be sure you get all the details by signing up above.